Friday, 14 June 2013

13. Fringe Art and Cello Phänomen

       Alternative ArtBasel

Am really in the mood for fringe, alternative, unpretentious ArtBasel. I seek it out at the Messeplatz and further.

       @ Messe Basel

      A free stall to donate to: Bring Sachen

 These French guys love my look with my floral sun umbrella; "you look beautiful like Mary Poppins"

      The rough makeshift huts with cafes, moats and shelter sheds are an antidote to multi million dollar art works in the new capacious, concrete Messe halls crawling with hunting, upetty art dealers and collectors. Note the UBS sign in the background below.
  emerging, cutting edge, contemporary
   I arrive by free shuttle from Messe platz

      makeshift cafes, bands playing and edgy sculptures that surprise you

    Window open; window shut
        Paul Critchley A Sense of Place

Hassan Sharif the flying house 17, 2008

Koursh Salehi Pietta 2013

       Industrie-sur-Rhein :)

      Back to Messeplatz to the atmospheric, charismatic, quick-built huts.

     Take your pick: you get a chauffeur

     Architectural texture

             Rohan de Saram concert

Ein Phänomen - Rohan de Saram, Cello
Solowerke von J. S. Bach, Z. Kodaly, I. Xenakis Probebühne für Hören und Sehen

Malzgasse 3, 4052 Basel exploring the street and its windows before the concert.

Germain Van see Steen (1897-1985) Deux chat, 1960er
1,700 F
Galerie Hilt Art Brut & naive Kunst

I enter a tiny private home very cosily, colourfuly and modestly decorated. It doubles as a yoga school and the cellar-come-concert room has a huge Shiva and a photo of a young guru.

Rohan de Saram, one of the foremost cellists in the contemporary scene and past member of the Arditti Quartet, turns out to look much younger than this picture on the flyer ( see my photos below)
   Rohan de Saram, Violoncello
mit einer kurzen Einfürung von Jürg Laederach
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Suite no 6 in D-Dur 1012 (1724 Leipzig)
Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001) Kottos (1977) für Violoncello
Zoltán Kodaly (1882-1967) Sonate in h-moll op. 8 (1917)

I take these photos from my seat in the front row

 Interval in the courtyard. Politeness prevents me from photographing the twenty or so guests
In the cosy courtyard. Below, Susanna, whom I get to know, is on the right

     What an evening! The climax of my trip! A private concert given by Rohan de Saram, legendary cellist followed by an intimate audience with the maestro.

Rohan opens with Bach's Cello Suite no. 6. He introduces Xenakis' Kottos telling the story and playing the piece masterfully and sensitively. The tone of his cello is warm, deep and colourful. You are struck by Rohan's technical skill which overcomes difficult music, making it shine and you are struck by his lack of artistic pose while his performance aims to be in service of the music. Third and final work after interval is Kodaly's Sonate for Cello Op. 8. This is fantastic bringing tears to my eyes. There's a depth of tone that I dream contains all the mystery of Europe and my curiosity about the parts that are unknown to me as yet.  Part of the mystery is the rich history, texture, depth and sensuality of Europe that I feel you can only know by living here.  The other is that of intimacy and friendship with locals. 
Lo and behold we are given the most generous supper ( had skipped dinner to rush to the concert) homemade freshest and softest quiches, pates, French cheeses, one in ash, beautiful brown bread and a good red wine. Nine of us make a circle and we embark on a philosophical discussion about values, the search for happiness, Plato, Dante, Hinduism, Christianity, Kabbalah, with Rohan leading. I am so charmed and thrilled to have this authentic intellectual intimacy with strangers in this setting of the tiny outdoor courtyard in the refreshing cool of the evening. Before we all part, Rohan signs my copy of his book: Joachim Steinheuer Rohan de Saram Conversations, a collection of his interviews.

Susanna, one of the circle, and I, had chatted away earlier over supper and she walks me to my hotel which is on her way home. In the comfortable lounge of my hotel's lobby, we continue to enthuse about all that we have in common such as our attendance at the same events in ArtBasel and our shared responses to them. We swap email addresses and agree to catch up next year on my return to Basel; there's no doubt that we will.

Readers and friends: Tonight I bought three of Rohan de Saram's CDs which contain the works he performed for us so you are welcome to come over and listen to them.

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